Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Why I'm Joyful

So since my last post was kinda dark and depressing, I figured I'd brighten this blog up a bit. This post will be all about what makes me joyful. and that's quite a lot!

I'll start with my family because if you know me, you know they are THE most important people in my life. And they are pretty awesome if I do say so myself.

First, there are my parents! My mom, who is my twin, has always been the listening ear that I need. My dad, who I get my humor and sarcasm from, has always been my teacher and my rescuer (mainly with my car haha). Needless to say, they have taught me to love hard and stand strong. 
High School Graduation 2012

Then there are my siblings! My best friends! I'm the youngest of six kids and I can honestly say I love each and every one of them, most of the time. ;)
Forever Ago ?

Next, my in-laws. The wonderful people my siblings fell in love with! The people who I have come to love as my own siblings!
The other Meredith (Scott's wife) and I
Brooke (Nick's wife) and I
Dan (Christina's husband) and I
AJ (Caroline's husband) who I don't have a pic with

And then there are my favorite little nephews and niece! The little ones in my life that make me so excited to have kids one days!
Luke (4), Bryce (1), and Mark (2)
Coan (almost 8 months)
Lucy (1)

I would be willing to debate that not another family could bring so much joy to another person than my family has brought to me. I love them with all my heart. Here's more pictures of my whole family, cause I just love 'em.
Missing AJ
Missing AJ, Dan, and Eric
Missing AJ
The Whole Clan! WOO

Then there is my boyfriend, who I've been with for over a year. He has loved me every second and has always been patience with me. He has taught me so many things and I wouldn't trade one second of our time together! 
Valentine's Day 2014

Next is my best friend. I met Sarah when I was a freshman in college and we lived together our Sophomore year. She has helped me become who I am today and I miss her dearly while she's in London or Dallas.
Fall 2014

Obviously, there are more people and things who bring me joy, but these are the ones that I wanted to share with you! 

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