Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The True American Heroes

So if you have been watching the Olympics at all, you probably have heard of this guy (in the picture below) already. His name is TJ Oshie and he plays for the USA men's hockey team. 


In the game against our rivals, if you will, Russia, Oshie took the team into overtime where there was what I call a shoot out. (Just to let you know, I am not a fan of hockey and haven't ever watched a full game, so sorry if my terminology is not accurate!) So from what I understand, in the Olympic games overtime, they start out with three tries each team and each team gets to pick three different players to shoot. Well since we tied in that as well, they went on to basically a head-to-head shoot out where each team got to shoot and if one made it, the other team had to as well or that game is over. AND any player can shoot how ever many times they choose. So, the USA chose TJ Oshie to shoot ALL of their shots and it went into 8 rounds of shooting until he finally defeated the Russian team! It was pretty intense and I can only imagine what kind of pressure he was feeling! GO USA! haha but anyways....

After the game, Oshie was interviewed by Dejan Kovacevic, a sports columnist. Kovacevic asked Oshie how he felt about being hailed as a "hero" from his fans. His answer to this question took my breath away! He told the interviewer, "The American heroes are wearing camo. That's not me."

Wow oh wow!!! Newest fan here!!! I am a firm believer in giving credit where it is due, and Oshie deserves a gold medal (hopefully he'll get one!), but I feel like so often we are so quick to label athletes as heroes when we forget what a hero really is. A hero is defined as "a person who is admired for brave acts." What Oshie did was amazing and pretty cool, but I wouldn't define it as brave in any means! I am so glad a player in the spot light not only realized, but also proclaimed who the real American heroes are! 

Americans are so quick to praise our military men on "their holidays;" such as 4th of July or Veteran's Day, but we tend to forget that they are working every single day for our freedom. With a brother-in-law in the army, I am pretty aware of the long days of preparation, month long trainings in the desserts, and 6-12 month deployments and for what? Their purpose is to protect you, protect your family, your loved ones, and ultimately, this country. They put their life on the line so that you can live yours without being in constant fear! 

So thank you! Thank you military men for sacrificing for this country and for me. Thank you for doing the bravest act. And thank you for being the real American heroes! And thank you TJ Oshie for remembering who the real heroes are!

A special thank you to my brother-in-law, AJ, mainly for putting up with my sister ;), but also for what you do every single day! P.S. we are so glad you are back safely in the country! Love you!

So everyone, don't ever stop thanking our military men, not just on "their holidays," but everyday. Because frankly, they don't just protect you on those days, they protect you everyday. 


P.S. I'm using "men" as a general term, but this also goes out for to those ladies out there in the military!!

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