I have come to an outstanding realization.... y'all ready?!?
I cannot do it.
Simple as that. There is no way, shape, or form that I am able to get through life on my own. Not that I didn't know this before, but I have realized that this has to do with EVERY aspect of my life. I can't get through school on my own, I can't get through work on my own, relationships, friendships, I can't do anything on my own. And this does not just apply to me! Hate to break it to you, but you cannot do it either. I know I know, you're probably the smartest, strongest, blah, blah, blah, sorry, NO!
Alright, so since we all know that we cannot do it alone, why do we continue to try? Well, my theory is that we are all just too stubborn, or maybe that's just me. ;) Maybe we're prideful, it's like a man who won't ask for directions even though he is clearly lost. Or maybe we feel like we have something to prove. So many people have told us that we can't and by all means, we're gonna do it! Honestly, I hate to be the one to burst your bubble or shot your pride, but it cannot be done.
So all this talk about how we can't, here's how we CAN get through life. The only way is to give it all, and I mean ALL, to the Lord our Savior. I know we teach our children that they can do anything that they set their minds to, but we should be teaching them Philippians 4:13; "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." It doesn't say, "I can do all things if I really try hard, or if I am determined." We have to have God with us in all areas of our lives. I have had trouble lately with that word "all." Sure, it's easy to give Him our church life, maybe even our family life, but when He wants our school life or our relationship life, YIKES! We try so hard to keep it separate, thinking "this has nothing to do with that," but that's just wrong. We serve a God that created all things good and you don't think He has anything to do with Clemson University? That's one of the greatest goods He created!! Obviously, I'm kidding, kinda, but you get my point. Every part of our life has to do with Him. He created everything, our purpose here on earth is to glorify Him, so how could we separate Him from other aspects of our lives? And why do we try?
What I believe we fail to remember is that God is a god of mercy and forgiveness. Yes, obviously, He hates when we sin, but He still loves us the same. Even though every aspect of our lives may not be perfect, He wants ALL of it; the good, the bad, and the ugly. I know, easier said than done. It's something that you're going to have to work on probably for the rest of your life, but it is worth it, I promise. God has promised us that He will cover up all of our sins, but how can He do that if we don't give them to Him? It sounds so easy, but every time something happens we tend to run and tell our best friends rather than God. Why do we do that? Some might say just cause of convenience, but that's just not true either.
Praying is the most convenient thing ever! You can pray absolutely wherever you are, whenever, and honestly, you don't even have to close your eyes. So why don't we do it as often as we should? After all, God calls us to be in constant prayer with Him. One of the main things I struggle with about prayer is I feel like everything I say has to be planned and well thought out. I have always viewed prayer as very formal; you start with "Dear God" and end with "Amen," but it does not always have to be like that. We tell little kids to talk to God like you are talking to a friend, but I promise I don't talk my best friend with "Dear Sarah" and "Amen." And yes, of course there is a time and a place for formal prayer, but your daily life does not have to be it.
Another thing I struggle with is what all I should pray about.... Here's a simple answer: EVERYTHING! There are the obvious prayer request like "help grandma get rid of her cancer" or "help me to become a nicer person," but God wants you to ask for even the little things. We so often think that God doesn't want anything to do with our little problems such as a fight with a friend or car problems, but He cares about every aspect of your life. Not only do we need to pray for help, we always need to pray and thank Him. Thank Him for the big things He has done like die for our sins and for the small things like letting us have a safe trip. Another thing we are called to pray about, which I think people (including myself) struggle with the most, is confession and forgiveness. There are so many things that we do during the day that dissatisfies God that by the time we lay our head down out night, a book could be written about it. I believe this one is the hardest because it is admitting that we are not perfect. Actually, we are far, far, far from it! Once again, God is a forgiving God, but we have to ask for forgiveness in order for it to be given to us.
So how do you think your life would be different if you let God be apart of every aspect of it? Do you think you would become a happier person? I do. I think letting God into your deepest, darkest corners will allow your life to be lighter and brighter. You don't have to carry the burden of your sins, He's already done that for you on the cross. He already knows how horrible and messed up we are, but He loves us still. There are very few people in the world that I can say confidently that they would love me no matter what I did to them. We have done the worst thing possible to God and He showers us with love. That, right there, is a God that I want to in control of my life, EVERY part of my life. So to answers the question: YES, all really means all!
So pray. Pray that I would be willing to give everything to Him. Pray that you would be able to do that same. Pray that we all would be comforted it the fact that even though we cannot, He can.
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