Monday, February 17, 2014

Happy Monthiversary Blog!

So I missed the actual date because of being out of town, BUT here's to a month old blog!!

I never would have thought I would love doing this as much as I do! After a month of just letting my thoughts, feelings, and emotions out on this thing, I could not be happier with it! 

I know not a ton of people actually read this thing, but that is perfectly alright with me! I've said from the beginning that this is for me and I would tell absolutely anyone who asked that I highly recommend it. It doesn't have to be a blog, just try writing down your thoughts or feelings, it helps me figure it all out. It's refreshing to have a healthy place to vent even if I don't get responses. 

To the people who actually do read this, Thank you! Thank you for the support I have received from friends and family! Y'all have showered me with compliments, encouraging texts, and comments telling me they love reading! Thank you for letting me poor out my heart. Thank you for letting me cry through my blog. Thank you for letting me rant about whatever is on my mind. 

Also, thank you blog for always being there. Thank you for not judging me. Thank you for listening to my crazy thoughts and pointless arguments. 

Here's to many more months on this baby! 

P.S. I am always open to suggests about what to write about, how to improve my blog, or title changes! 

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