Friday, January 24, 2014


TGIF... "Thank God It's Friday." A phrase that we have heard for so long now, even though I don't know many people that still use it actually weekly. Heck, it's even a restaurant! But even though I am thank that it is Friday and I get to have a relaxing weekend with family and friends, I am much more thankful for some other things going on right now! 

First off, I am SO thankful for warm clothes and a warm place to lay my head at night because it has been bitterly cold lately! And I am also thankful for Spring just around the corner. 

I am thankful for my sister, Christina, and her husband, Dan, for EVERYTHING that they do for me. Just last night they brought me a dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts!! That's true love haha. Then proceeded to try and help me fix my brakes on my car and when it didn't work, let me borrow Dan's car and promised to help me take it to a mechanic on Saturday. They also feed me dinner every night and pack me a lunch every day! I have not had to go grocery shopping at all since I've been here!  Dan insists that Christina and I have a girls' night once a week so that we can have sister time, which has brought Christina and I closer together and for that, I am forever grateful. They are amazing examples to me! They are fantastic parents, not only to their boys, but also to their sweet foster girls! They have shown me what a great Christian relationship looks like and lead by example daily. 

I am thankful for my dad who I can call at any hour of the day if my car is acting up and he is right there with advice to help. He has dropped what he was doing many times for me and drove to Clemson just to help me out. He doesn't even get mad when I call him about stupid things, like when I couldn't get my key out of my ignition only to find out my car wasn't in park! Don't worry, I laughed at myself for this one too! 

I am thankful for my mom who has taught me to stand up for what I believe no matter what. She made a decision to stand firm in her faith last year that ended up costing her her job. God did not fail her, He provided her with an amazing new job, at an amazing new school! Though it put her through a few very hard months, she stayed strong and was an amazing example of how God works through every situation. I am truly proud to call her my mother! 

I am thankful for being able to be so close to my family. Not even in distance (most of us at least), but also in relationships. I can truly say that all my siblings and their spouses are not only family, but also friends. I am thankful that I would never hesitate to call any one of them to ask for advice, help, or simply talk. Though we fight, it seems like we're fighting to the death sometimes, I know we always love each other and want the best for each other. 

I am thankful for a boyfriend who deals with all my crap. No, really! Matt is so patient with me, even with the silliest of situations! Not only does he listen when I rant about stupid things, he makes me feel better! We have the best time together! We can sit on the couch for hours watching movies or go on adventures, either way we are just happy to be next to each other. I'm thankful for being with someone that makes my life easier, not the other way around! 

I am thankful for the family that is letting me stay with them while I am in Charlotte. They have opened up their home to me, rent free, which is a HUGE blessing on a college student. Not to mention, they are incredibly sweet and an amazing Christian family! 

I am thankful for a best friend that I can talk to no matter how far away she is. Most of you know that my best friend, Sarah, is currently studying abroad in London. We still talk every single day and she still knows about almost everything going on in my life! Thank goodness for technology! When she isn't in London, she's still about 1000 miles away in Dallas. Being able to talk to her, no matter the distance, has definitely kept me sane, at least for the most part. ;)

I am thankful for this amazing opportunity to get work experience in my field! A paid internship to a Sophomore that I am also receiving school credit for?!? It doesn't get much better than this. Not to mention, everyone is so sweet and helpful!

I am thankful for an amazing, forgiving Savior. A God that knows my sins and still loves me just the same. Even though I am consistently screwing up, He never leaves me or forsakes me. 

I am thankful for being able to live in His beautiful creation. Though there is so much evil in this world, there is not one day that goes by that I don't look outside and am truly amazing of how wondrous His masterpiece is. 

There is so much to be thankful for! Don't let a day go by that you don't remember the blessings that have been given to you by Him. 

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